Sunday, June 6, 2010

Update: FOUND!

Wonderful news here in the Moody household today... Step 2 of the very expensive Mary Kay Microdermabrasion Set has been FOUND! And Tyler decided to buy a third bottle of Visine and see if he can't hang on to this one, so now we're just down one oven knob. After our other two victories today, I'm feeling quite positive about the outcome of this situation! The only problem I foresee is that I have recently been attempting to teach Wyatt that trash goes IN the trash can rather than OUT of it, as he prefers to believe. So we repeatedly find things that need to be thrown away, walk hand in hand to the trash can and say, "This is trash, let's throw it away! Don't take it out, icky!" Perhaps in doing this I have created a monster, as they say. Perhaps he surprised himself one day by being able to reach the knobs, plucked one off and thought, hey I bet I know what Mommy would do with this! - "This is trash, let's throw it away..." And into the trash it went. If that's the case, it's so long oven knob and here's to hoping our landlord is forgiving when it's time to go. Maybe I'll replace the trash can with a "found" bucket and lots of other items I didn't know I was missing will turn up. Now there's an idea...

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