Monday, September 20, 2010


is for cake!

For about the past two weeks I have craved cake every day. I'm not exaggerating, EVERY day. Sometimes it comes in the morning. Like, the moment I wake up I think, hmm, it wouldn't be awful to eat a piece of cake for breakfast... Sometimes it's later in the day or maybe even just before bed. I don't really have any tendencies toward a certain kind, but I do want it to be warm and frosted.

Luckily, I had the self-control to not buy any cake mix during my last trip to the grocery store, and I'm much too exhausted to attempt anything homemade at this point, so I haven't exactly had easy access to any cake.

The funny thing is, even after all these cravings, the two times I have been presented with cake, it has absolutely repulsed me! Couldn't even take a bite! I didn't like the looks of it and certainly couldn't stand the smell.

So what does this mean? Do I want cake or not? Where are these cravings coming from and why do they plague me every day only to then torture me when I could give in?! I'll never understand the tricks pregnancy plays on my mind, but one thing's for sure... I'm certainly glad I haven't given into two weeks' worth of cake cravings! Cause S is for scale, and mine is screaming, "NO MORE!!"

Saturday, September 18, 2010


is for Baby.

A baby that will soon be here. A baby whose room is fit for a princess and finally ready for her. A baby whose big brother has no idea what's in store but who will love her more than anything.

This is our Baby Kate and she will be here in ONE month. Ready or not. Physically, I've never been readier. Mentally, my mind is entirely blown at the idea of soon having 2 children. I'm not sure there is anything one can do to prepare for this either.

All I know, is she will have food to eat, a place to sleep, and will be showered with just about as much love as one little baby can handle ♥

Monday, September 13, 2010

A is for Army

I got an idea from my friend's blog to start my own "Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life" in which I write each day (or whenever I get around to it) about something in my life that begins with each letter of the alphabet. This serves as a way for me to look at some of the things going on in my life and gives me a jumping off point for ideas to write about/reflect on.

So let's just get this thing started, shall we?!

is for Army

I've loved the Army,and I've hated it. The Army has been good to us, and the Army has thrown many wrenches in our plans. The Army takes care of our family, and the Army puts pressure on us. The Army allows my husband to be home for many special occasions, and the Army demands that he be gone for countless others.

Overall, while I wouldn't say it's an easy lifestyle, it's been one that we've adjusted to quite well and that we've grown to love... which, as it turns out, is a very good thing because we've definitely decided to stay in. We've hemmed and hawed and pro'd and con'd and, in the end, we've decided that the best option for us at this point is to keep on keepin' on. This means we will continue to live at Fort Sill for at least another year, at which time Tyler will move on to his Captain's Career Course which will take us to Fort Lee, Virginia, and we will owe the Army at least one more year after that.

We both agree that this is the most practical solution for our growing family, and I'm excited to see where our decision may take us!