But let's not let reality get in the way here... this post is all about beaches and ocean and good times. (Here's a little preview.)
This week long trip to my happy place began with a very looong 14-hour road trip, whcih I thought would be more eventful than it was, but because I have been blessed with what must be the sweetest and most well-behaved toddler on the planet, it was cake. Save for the last 45 minutes of the trip in which all 3 of us passengers were in what you might call "Melt Down Mode," the trip was nothing like what I'd psyched myself up for. We headed out at 8 pm, Wyatt's bedtime, hoping for a full night's rest for him and that's exactly what we got.
Here's Wyatt all ready to go!
We made a 6am stop for a McDonald's breakfast, a 10am stop in Mobile, AL for a look around the children's science museum and lunch in a precious little downtown cafe,
and were in Destin by 1pm, exhausted and maybe slightly irritable, but who cares, we were there!
And this was Wyatt minutes after arriving at our condo...
And because I think pictures will do the week better justice than my words, the rest of this post will be just that, with picture descriptions as needed. Please enjoy, we certainly did :)
Our beautiful condo and the view from our 15th floor balcony...
My sister's 30th birthday celebration
Complete with all you can eat chicken spaghetti!
Sweet pajama-clad boys scoping out the beach before suiting up and heading down...
One happy little boy's first time in the sand :)
A family sandcastle building affair (yes, my swimsuit has a skirt, I'm the oldest 24 year old in the world)
There was snack sharin' on the beach
And snack sharin' in the condo
And lots more pure cuteness...
There was a trip to Johnny Rocket's, a delicious hamburger joint

and a trip to the mall (which had no maternity stores, so I left empty handed)
Wyatt tried his hand at boogie boarding (on land)
And the big boys went deep sea fishing
And then a little boy and a big boy went parasailing together!
And we took some beautiful family pictures - This is one great looking family, if I have to say so myself :)
Just looking through and posting the pictures makes me wish I was back there, but duty calls (that's right, I got a job - post coming!) It was a much needed, much enjoyed vacation for us all and until next year, we've got our sweet tans and some wonderful memories!
Wow. When things get rough, I'm going to refer back to this post and live vicariously through you. Looks like you had a blast, and it looks like Wyatt is a fan of vacations! Love the photo of him passed out, face down, on the couch. He's just too precious!