I currently share my house with a very... active almost 15 month old. While every day is a joy it is also exhausting, patience testing, and, as of late, downright expensive. Why? Well, at this moment, I am in hot pursuit of an oven knob, which he suddenly grew tall enough reach and then dispose of in an unknown location, a bottle of Visine, which is the second my husband has purchased with the intent to use to calm his itchy allergy eyes and the second that Wyatt has had other plans for, and Step 2 of a very expensive 2 step Mary Kay Microdermabrasion Set, which is, of course, useless without both steps.
Now, you might think that his ability to relocate, rearrange, and often destroy things is due to some negligence on my part. But I swear to you I am very attentive, sometimes to the point that he might consider me annoying, I'm sure, but he is fast and he is sneaky!! All of these items were literally here one minute, gone the next. While I'm still somewhat hopeful that these missing objects will eventually turn up (although they haven't yet after various attempts at cleaning the house) I am afraid that if this behavior continues I will be looking at a quite costly toddlerhood. So far, Visine = fairly cheap, replaceable -- Microdermabrasion Set = fairly expensive, replaceable -- Oven knob from an approximately 1990 model gas stove in a military owned rental house = hmmm.
Now I just wonder which will be the bigger blow when it comes time to move out - a replacement stove or the cost associated with repairing the busted bathroom door frame, the result of rescuing my 2 year old nephew who locked himself in by accident...
Well, whatever the outcome, the absolute joy that this 14 month old Houdini brings to my life each day far outweighs any residual exhaustion and expense. All of our missing items are replaceable unlike all the precious memories in the making.
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