So, as I predicted, I'm not good at this. I'm obviously far from making daily posts. But nevermind that, I'll get to them when I get to them, I suppose! Life before blogging.
Anyway, like I said, D is for dachshund. And that's because I currently feel like I've been quite neglectful of my two long little loves and I'm feeling a little guilty about it. Who knew how hard it would be to have dogs AND kids?! Now let's not go too far here and assume that they are in any way mistreated. I mean, they kind of have it pretty good, if you ask me. They have free reign of my house and my furniture, they nap all day, get tasty treats, and sleep in a very comfortable king sized, 200 thread count Egyptian Cotton sheeted bed at night. Sound rough? Hardly.
In fact, I just talked myself right out of my guilt. If I lived that comfortable a lifestyle with nothing to do and nowhere to be, I think I'd be alright.
In fact, as I write this, they lie curled up in their respective positions, just soaking in the day and its lack of responsibility. Ahh, to be a dachshund.

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