And he LOVES it! I don't know what it is about that bed, but he practically begs to get in it at naptime and bedtime - a mother's dream, I tell you! And he's never slept better.
A new bed for Wyatt also meant good things for Mom and Dad. Since he gave up all his furniture to baby sister, and since the furniture that is currently in our bedroom just so happens to match his new crib, we decided we would pass our furniture onto Wyatt and buy ourselves a fancy new bedroom suite. And that we did. And here she is...

This, obviously, is the picture from the website, as we had to special order ours and it won't be delivered for two weeks, but you get the idea. It was a big purchase, probably the biggest we've made since we moved here, and it was sort of hard to hand over the cash to the lady at the store, but I'm certain we will be glad we did it. Stay tuned for pictures of the real deal.
When we first moved into this house, we had a collection of random furniture that we'd inherited over the years from parents and friends who didn't need it anymore and were gracious enough to pass it along to us. Each of those pieces has served its purpose well and we are very grateful to not have had to live in an empty house all this time. But little by little we are adding new pieces, ones that we've actually chosen and that (gasp!) match!! Our very first purchase was a coffee table and two end tables to replace the broken ones we started with. Then a TV stand that was tall enough to keep tiny little Wyatt prints off the screen (and that matched the coffee table!) Next a new couch and love seat set (SO comfy) and now a bedroom suite. It's all coming together and we feel like such grown ups now! And speaking of growing up...
My baby is hardly a baby anymore! Look at him - he looks like a real live BOY now! And you better believe he knows he's not a baby anymore. A high chair? Puh-lease! He wants to sit at the table with us. And how dare us think for a second he might still want to eat with his hands! He'll take a fork, thank you. And, whatever you do, please don't try to wipe his mouth when he's done eating. He can obviously do that himself.

I just can't get over how big he is and how smart! His favorite words this week are "doose" (juice - which he wants ALL the time), "nack" (didn't you know the 's' in snack is silent?), "duck" (several of which he got to see last night at Medicine Creek and he couldn't have been more excited), "kack" (what the ducks say), "wup" (up... not sure why the need for the extra letter), "down" (which he says when he wants to get down and often when he wants to get up), "puppy" (to include horses, cows, deer, squirrels, sheep, you name it), "mow" (the sound a "puppy" (kitty) makes), and "poo poo" (to inform me that there is, in fact, poo poo in his diaper - and he's always right).
We've come a long way from attempting to decipher his little infant cries to attempting to decipher his little toddler speak, and my, how time has flown. It's hard to believe we will soon be back to square one with a precious baby girl and that Wyatt will no longer be the baby, but the BIG boy - although he will always, always be my baby boy. This motherhood thing is so much better than anyone could have ever told me it would be, and it blesses me every day. I am learning so much from this special little boy, and it is all just so, so sweet.
I know how you feel about the furniture. We are just starting to replace our mismatched inheritance, and being able to pick out something that suits our personalities is so much fun! (Handing over the cash - less fun.)
ReplyDeleteYou're right - Wyatt is definitely a boy now, and not a baby! I can't wait to see Kate, and to hear all about how Wyatt looks out for his little sister. Your family is the cutest!
LOVED this. And I'm more than a little excited to listen to what Cooper and Wyatt will have to talk about the next time they are together!!