You haven't missed much, save for lots of diaper changes, baby feedings, and a few overwhelming trips to the grocery store (see photo).
I've self-imposed two new challenges in my life, the first of which I've just covered - getting back to my blog. Kate's a little older and less needy now, Wyatt can easily be entertained by Mickey Mouse & friends anytime I'd like to sit down to write, and I've missed having a little outlet. So I plan to do my best to get on at least once a week and jot down some thoughts.
The second challenge that I've recently begun is a 10 week long fitness challenge hosted by BuffMother on Facebook. It is, as she calls is, a "quest for consistency" that will result in major life and body changes. My goal is to lose 20 lbs (maybe not in the 10 weeks, but by October) by counting calories and keeping a consistent workout routine. The official start date was on Monday, but I've been going at this for a little over a week now and have already lost 5 pounds, so I feel like I'm on the right track.
The changes a body goes through during pregnancy are overwhelming, to say the least, and I'm hoping to regain some semblance of my pre-baby body. With as crazy as things get around here sometimes, and with as much attention as two small children require, it's very easy for me to forget to pay attention to myself. So that is really the ultimate goal, I suppose - Take time to take care of myself so that I'm in the best possible shape I can be in to take care of everyone else in my life.
I feel like I'm off to a good start and I'm excited to start seeing some results. I'll keep you posted as I go and probably rely on you for encouragement!
I did take "before" pictures, but I don't think I'm quite ready to post those for all the world to see just yet, but maybe after my dramactic transformation ;) Stay tuned! In the meantime, I'll leave you with a little something to brighten your day (much more than a picture of me in a bikini would...)