is for cake!
For about the past two weeks I have craved cake every day. I'm not exaggerating, EVERY day. Sometimes it comes in the morning. Like, the moment I wake up I think, hmm, it wouldn't be awful to eat a piece of cake for breakfast... Sometimes it's later in the day or maybe even just before bed. I don't really have any tendencies toward a certain kind, but I do want it to be warm and frosted.
Luckily, I had the self-control to not buy any cake mix during my last trip to the grocery store, and I'm much too exhausted to attempt anything homemade at this point, so I haven't exactly had easy access to any cake.
The funny thing is, even after all these cravings, the two times I have been presented with cake, it has absolutely repulsed me! Couldn't even take a bite! I didn't like the looks of it and certainly couldn't stand the smell.
So what does this mean? Do I want cake or not? Where are these cravings coming from and why do they plague me every day only to then torture me when I could give in?! I'll never understand the tricks pregnancy plays on my mind, but one thing's for sure... I'm certainly glad I haven't given into two weeks' worth of cake cravings! Cause S is for scale, and mine is screaming, "NO MORE!!"