Friday, August 27, 2010

So Long, Summer!

The past three days in Oklahoma have been a beautiful, sunny 85ish degrees - absolutely perfect weather in the mornings, a bit warm in the afternoon but perfect in the shade, and a slight breeze that lets you know that Fall is in the air. To say that this makes me happy is a gigantic understatement. The thought of fall coming, to me, is like the thought of an upcoming birthday to a 5 year old. I'm practically giddy. I'm trying not to be too naive here, knowing that there is sure to be at least a few more days of fairly sweltering heat before the crisp fall weather sets in for good, but I have been given a preview of what's to come and I couldn't be happier. We've actually had our windows open for the past 3 days, and open windows just make me feel good. And as I move into the last 7 weeks (7 WEEKS!!) of this pregnancy - which, naturally, I assume will vary between highly uncomfortable and just plain miserable - I find comfort in knowing that I can enjoy (har har) them in what might be quite pleasant weather. It's one thing to be 8 1/2 months pregnant and uncomfortable. It's quite another to be 8 1/2 months pregnant, uncomfortable, and HOT. All of that said, I can't wait to head up to the attic (more like send my lovely husband up for me) to fetch all of the beautiful fall decorations that will grace my house for the next few months, catch as many high school football games as possible with my guys, and spend every possible moment outside, soaking up these gorgeous days. It is with great pleasure that I bid farewell to August and its miserable heat and welcome September with open arms!

Here's another precious little person who loves fall...

hard to believe how much he's grown since we took these pictures last year at the pumpkin patch!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well, it's been a while since I posted, and I blame it on not having a moment to even breathe for the past few weeks. But finally, it's Wyatt's naptime on a Saturday and I can sit down for a few mintues and update! Here's one of the things we were up to recently...

Last Wednesday morning Tyler, Wyatt and I loaded up and headed to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX for a marriage/family retreat hosted by his unit. We thought, if nothing else, that it would be a nice chance for us to spend some time together, three glorious days off work for Tyler and one for me, and an all expense paid trip to a place we probably wouldn't spend the money to come to otherwise (we're talking well over $200/night). And I don't think I get to do this very often, so I feel like I should probably sieze the opportunity to say "Thank You, Army!"

We weren't sure how interesting or helpful the marriage retreat itself would be, but we were actually pleasantly surprised. The classes that we went to were quite relevant and surprisingly funny. And just being able to get away from "real life" for a few days to do nothing but spend time with my two favorite boys was just what the doctor ordered. I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't want to hang out with these two cuties?!

I cannot express to you how much fun it is to watch Wyatt taking in all these new things. I know I'm just following him around beaming like an idiot, but it is really the most precious thing I've ever experienced. And it's things that I wouldn't normally even pay attention to that he is just profoundly excited by. Take for instance the bears that line the hallway on the hotel carpet... You and I would probably never even notice them. But Wyatt could spend hours in that hallway pointing to each little bear and squealing "pupppppyyyyyy!!!!" And it just melts my heart!

We all had a wonderful time, and ended our trip with Wyatt's very first visit to the Rainforest Cafe which he equal parts loved and hated. He was quite terrified when the lights would go down and all the monkeys would start moving and squacking and the big elephants nearby would bellow and swing their trunks.

But he was also very pleased with his light up cup and sweet balloon hat. Overall, a win!

With only two months left until Baby Kate arrives (!!!) I'm doing my very best to soak up every single second of precious Wyatt time I can, and, let me tell you, it is pure joy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wedding Gift Idea

I found this idea for a wedding gift - the framed wedding date - in my Southern Living magazine and immediately fell in love, as I am a sucker for personalized gifts.

However, the Southern Living version was $85 and I felt sure I could make my own version for a lot cheaper.

So my friend, Rebecca, and I went out around post and in Lawton and took pictures of some neat looking numbers, which was a little time consuming, but free, I had the pictures printed for about 20 cents a piece, and bought the frame at Hobby Lobby, regular $40, but I got it half off. So, I spent a total of about $21, and I think it turned out pretty good! I'll be giving it to some friends at their wedding next weekend, hope they like it!

What do you think?